First 2014 Board rescheduled for Feburary 26th at 5 PM
Post date: Feb 9, 2014 8:36:38 PM
Greenville, South Carolina - Upstate Monarchs has rescheduled its first 2014 Board Meeting for February 26, 2014 at 5 PM. We have rescheduled the Board from January to February to a weather event in the Upstate. This meeting will be important for the direction of the group sine we are electing officers and finalizing our Spring Schedule. plans Currently, we had to reschedule two meeting due to weather in January and February. We are hoping "Mother Nature" will be helpful our schedule in the coming months.
Of course, March is Lymphedema Awareness Month across the nation, and we have great speaker options available to us for March and beyond. Please come and give us your voice and feedback in the Board meeting this Month.
Members are reminded that we have two types on members: Active and Associate and only Active members can vote for or hold a office. Dues for Active members are $24 per year or $6 per board meeting (since we only have four Board meetings). All members are welcome to attend and contribute to the meeting.