Cornett confirmed as First Speaker for October 5th Meeting
Post date: Sep 13, 2011 10:40:45 PM
Greenville, South Carolina - We have confirmed the Upstate Monarchs's First Speaker for our October Group Meeting. That meeting will be held on October 5, 2011 at 5 PM to 6 PM at Earth Fare Community Room on Pelham road. We will have a short business meeting before the talk. Dr. Wendy Cornett will be speaking on Lymphedema and its relationship with Breast Cancer. Dr. Cornett is a General Surgeon at Greenville Hospital System in Greenville, and you can view more information at her bio page. We are looking forward to hear Dr. Cornett speak to the group. We are inviting all group members and other interested member of the community join this discussion.
Dr. Cornett is a well-known advocate
for Breast Cancer patients in the
Upstate Community.