Brenda Ellis demos Yoga Techniques to UM Members
Post date: Mar 8, 2012 5:22:52 AM
Greenville, South Carolina - At the March meeting, Upstate Monarch Members were treated to a brief lesson in basic yoga beginning skills by Brenda Ellis. Brenda discussed basic yoga principles, such the concept of mind/body, and how yoga can help anyone to relieve stress and feel better. She give a demo of basic yoga breathing and meditation techniques.
Some yoga breathing exercises are used by some therapists with sessions to "kick start" their lymphatic system before therapy. Techniques, like Warrior breathing, can improve Lymphatic flow, especially in the core of body. Also yoga is a recommended exercise for many Lymphedema patients, as a great non-stressing, rhythmic exercise to improve their well-being.
A handout of Brenda's talk is included below (attachment, pending). Many thanks to Brenda for sharing the information with the group.
Brenda Ellis explains about Yoga Principles at
the March meeting.